Difference between revisions of "Vitalsigns.xls"

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(Transaction Worksheet)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 85: Line 85:
| vTR_Exclude_Type
| vTR_Exclude_Type
| 392; 499
| 392; 499; 501
| A semi-colon delimited list of history record TYPEs to exclude from the load.
| A semi-colon delimited list of history record TYPEs to exclude from the load.
| vTR_Exclude_Cmnd
| vTR_Exclude_M_Cmnd
| 392; 499
| A semi-colon delimited list of history record COMMANDs to exclude from the load.
| A semi-colon delimited list of history '''Monetary''' COMMANDs to exclude from the load.
| vTR_Exclude_NM_Cmnd
| A semi-colon delimited list of history '''Non Monetary''' COMMANDs to exclude from the load.
| vTR_Num_Periods
| vTR_Num_Periods

Latest revision as of 17:12, 20 September 2016


The Vital Signs spreadsheet defined variables used in Vital Signs

GlobalVars Worksheet

vCUNAME VS Employees Credit Union The Credit Union name displayed in various documents.
vMaxDisplayRows 30000 The maximum number of rows to display in the View Details tables.
vUseAcctXref 1 Must be equal to 1 in versions 1.5 and higher.
vReportFrequencies Daily, Weekly, Monthly A comma separated list of possible reporting frequencies. (1).
vTB_Exclude_LoanAction O, T, A A comma separated list of loan actions to be excluded from the Trial Balance report.
vTB_Exclude_Collateral 0 A comma separated list of collateral codes to be excluded from the Trial Balance report.
vTB_Exclude_DescAbrv O, T, A A comma separated list of share DESC-ABRVs to be excluded from the Trial Balance report.
  1. vReportFrequencies contains a list of the valid report frequencies. If new custom frequencies are added, they must also be listed here. Case is important. All frequencies referenced here, must exist as worksheets in the DocumentDistribution spreadsheet, or a load error will occur. For example, "Daily, Weekly, Monthly, BoardReports, Finance, Tuesday" would add three additional reporting frequencies for report distribution.

Membership Worksheet

All the settings in this worksheet apply to the Membership_Analysis and Membership_Summary documents.

vDefaultDaysDelq 16 The number of days past due when a loan should be considered delinquent. (1)
vLoadMbrSellerSfx0 0 When set to 1, the Seller field will be loaded from the suffix 0 share record.
vDefaultStatus Open The default select status to be displayed for shares and loans.
vSelectMbrStatus Dormant) The default select status to be displayed for members.
vDefaultMbrSelect 5 Dormant)", else use 1 for "Open".
  1. This value is displayed on the Loan Charts page and may be edited interactively by the user.

Transaction Worksheet

All the settings in this worksheet apply to the Transaction_Analysis document.

vTR_Exclude_Type 392; 499; 501 A semi-colon delimited list of history record TYPEs to exclude from the load.
vTR_Exclude_M_Cmnd DISP A semi-colon delimited list of history Monetary COMMANDs to exclude from the load.
vTR_Exclude_NM_Cmnd DISP; SHDP A semi-colon delimited list of history Non Monetary COMMANDs to exclude from the load.
vTR_Num_Periods 2 The number of periods per hour. Use 2 for 30 min periods and 4 for 15 min increments.
vTR_Morning 600 The time (in 24 hour format) when the morning period starts.
vTR_Midday 1000 The time (in 24 hour format) when the midday period starts.
vTR_Afternoon 1400 The time (in 24 hour format) when the afternoon period starts.
vTR_Evening 1800 The time (in 24 hour format) when the evening period starts.
vTR_MaxCloseOffset 60 The number of minutes after the branch closes when tellers will be automatically "closed". (1)
vTR_Num_Months 13 The number of months of history activity to load.
vTR_Count_Dup_Trans KEY Possible values: KEY, EXACT, NONE. Use KEY for all new installs.
vTR_Exclude_CL_Tellers $$$ A semi-colon delimited list of CLFILE teller initials to exclude. (2)
vTR_Use_Branch_Reassign 0 Set to 1 to use the BranchReassign spreadsheet to assign branch numbers to drawers. (3)
vTR_Load_TLRHIST 0 Set to 1 for the deprecated Transaction_Activity document..
vTR_Def_Teller_Code <M> Default code for tellers that are automatically added to the TC_TELLER file.
  1. Teller hours are calculated based on drawer DROP and CLOSE commands. If a teller drawer is not closed, it will be closed automatically NN minutes after the branch is closed.
  2. The CL files include some special teller initials that are not defined in Spectrum's TELLER-FILE dataset. Excluding them here prevents the codes from appearing in the document.
  3. The BranchReassign option is for sites that do not use Teller Advantage, providing a way to assign history transactions to branches based on drawer numbers.

DataChng Worksheet

The settings in this worksheet apply to the Spectrum_DataChange document.

vDC_NumDays 30 The number of history days to include in the load.
vDC_DropNoActivity 1 When set to 1, member, share & loan records with no data change activity will be dropped from the load.

LoadMbrData Worksheet

The settings in this worksheet apply to new member campaign tracking in the Membership_Analysis document.

vProspectFirstName First Name The mapped column name for First Name in the new member prospect data file. (1)
vProspectLastName Last Name as above
vProspectAddr1 Address Line 1 as above
vProspectAddr2 Address Line 2 as above
vProspectCity City as above
vProspectState State as above
vProspectZip Zip as above
vMaxFirstNameChars 1 The number of chars to match in the First Name for a partial match. (2)
vMaxLastNameChars 5 as above
vMaxStreetNameChars 1 as above
  1. These variables map the column names for a new member campaign data file, so Vital Signs can track successful new member campaigns.
  2. These variables customize the rules for a partial name/address match for a new member campaign.

NewLoans Worksheet

The settings in this worksheet apply to the New_Loan_Activity document.

vLoanAddOnCmnds LOAD;LOSH;ATLA;ATLS;PTLD;... A semi-colon delimited list of commands to include in the New_Loan_Activity document.
vLoanAddOnCmndsNegOnly PTLD A semi-colon delimited list of commands for which only negative transactions will be loaded.
vMaxAcctDigits 9 The maximum number of digits in an account number.