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This job bypasses the HPUX extracts and reloads the data on the Windows host.
Separate script for each Credit Union
This script must login as either 'bolive', 'botest' or 'bocu##'.
Based on LOGNAME, the extract will use the appropriate profile.

Revision as of 23:54, 30 November 2012


The following information is a detailed overview of each of the Vital Signs Jobs and their supported parameters.


This job extracts information from member-file, share-file, loan-file and loanapp.

  ./JVSLOAD_MBRSHLN [eom | restore] [YYYYMMDD]"

  - eom        Process eom, use the report database."
               o uses the vsdata_eom profile in vsrvtcp.ini
  - restore    Restoring data from backup, use the specified date.
               o uses the vsdata_restore profile in vsrvtcp.ini
               o data is extracted and transfered to Vital Signs,
                 however, no documents are refreshed.
  - YYYYMMDD   The as-of-date assigned to the extracted data.
               o If not eom and extract is run before 6:00 am,
                 default is previous day.
               o If not eom and extract is run after 6:00 am,
                 default is current day.
               o If eom and today is last day of the month,
                 use current date.
               o If eom and today is not the last day of the month,
                 use previous month-end.
               o If restore, the date parm is required and should
                 be the effective date of the backup being restored.

 This script must login as either 'botest', 'bolive' or 'bocu##' or 'boi###'.
 Based on LOGNAME, the extract will use the appropriate vital signs profile.


This job extract information from sh-history and ln-history.

                 [DAYS=num_days] [LOOP=num_loops]

  - CMNDFILE=1 Force download of the command file.

  - YYYYMMDD   Extracts HIST records starting with the specified date.

  - TYPE=HIST  Extracts history transactions (all types)
        =DC    Extracts binary data change records only.
        =ALL   Extracts history transactions and data change records.

  - DAYS=num   The number of days to extract in a single find.
               Default is one day.

  -LOOPS=num   The number of loops to make in a single run of the job.
               Default is 30 loops.
               Total dates extracted is DAYS * LOOPS. The maximum date
               is determined by the current CU Business (Open) date.

This script must login as either 'botest', 'bolive' or 'bocu##' or 'boi###'.
Based on LOGNAME, the extract will use the appropriate vital signs profile.


This job bypasses the HPUX extracts and reloads the data on the Windows host.


 Separate script for each Credit Union

 This script must login as either 'bolive', 'botest' or 'bocu##'.
 Based on LOGNAME, the extract will use the appropriate profile.