Common Errors When Starting Server
Errors When Starting Server
VsrvTcp Listener service not started on the host
This error message is usually following by a second message that includes more details about why the connection failed.
Possible causes:
- The VsrvTcp listener is not running.
- To verify, run the following command on the server:
$ps -ef | grep vsrvtcp root 1436088 1 0 09:30 pts/0 00:00:00 ./vsrvtcp -a root 1436089 1436088 0 09:30 pts/0 00:00:00 ./vsrvtcp -a
- Invalid IP address.
- Invalid port number.
- To verify the default port used by VsrvTcp, issue the following command on the server:
$grep askplus /etc/services askplus 29500/tcp # vsrvTCP listener
- The port can also be specified when starting VsrvTcp using the -n parm
/ASKPLUS/vsrvtcp -a -n29500
- Invalid sTunnel configuration.
- When the 2nd part of the error is "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." it usually indicates an invalid sTunnel setup.
- Fiserv SaaS clients are required to use sTunnel with Visimage3. Configuration instructions can be found here.
A password expiration date is required for user: username
- If password aging has been configured, all users must have a valid password expiration date.
- Check the vsrvtcp.ini file on the server to verify that the "PasswordExpDate" key exists.
- This error can also occur if an invalid username is specified.
- Check that the username has been entered correctly.
Invalid user name: username
- Check that the username has been entered correctly.
- Note: When password aging is required, an invalid username generates the error that a password expiration date is required.
Error no login specified for user: username
- Check the vsrvtcp.ini file on the server to verify that the "login" key exists.
- This error also occurs when "!live" or "!eom" is missing from a connection that required additional info. See Visimage3 Setup for Fiserv Online Clients.
Specified Key is not a valid size for this algorithm.
- This error sometimes occurs when creating a New Connection.
- The error can be resolved by Enabling/Disabling Batch Access for the connection.