Visimage3 Setup for Fiserv Online Clients

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Revision as of 16:33, 16 May 2024 by Johno (talk | contribs) (New Stunnel Certificates (May 2024))
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Visimage3 Setup

After installing Visimage3, Fiserv Online Clients must also install stunnel which is used to encrypt all communication between Visimage3 and the host. A special Fiserv installation of stunnel can be downloaded here.

New Stunnel Certificates (May 2024)

Effective May 13, 2024, clients must install new certificate files which can be downloaded here. Follow these steps to install the certificates:

unzip the file
copy stunnel.pem and certs.pem to C:/Program Files/stunnel/config
restart the stunnel service (or reboot your PC)

These certificates must be installed on all client PCs where Visiamge3 is installed. If you have a VM configured to execute Visimage3 tasks automatically, don't forget to install the new certificates on that system also.

Stunnel Configuration

Once stunnel has been installed you must edit the stunnel.conf file and modify the [VisImage Client] section. By default, the stunnel.conf file is located in C:\Program Files\stunnel.

Locate this section:

[VisImage Client]
client = yes
accept = 30501
connect =
  • Note that is just a sample IP address, your specific address will be different.
  • Change the connect IP address from to the correct IP address of your UNIX host and save the file.
  • It should not be necessary to modify the accept or connect ports.
  • If you have already rebooted your PC since installing stunnel, stop and restart the stunnel service. Otherwise reboot.

Checking the Stunnel Restart

After restarting the service (or rebooting) verify that the stunnel.log file has been updated. Open the log file in Notepad and scroll to the end of the file. If you do not see new entries written showing that the service was restarted then there is an issue with the configuration file. Double check that the stunnel.conf file still exists and was not accidentally renamed while it was being edited.

Visimage3 Server Configuration

When creating a Visimage3 connection, use the following parameters:

Option Value
Host Address
Host Port 30501
Host Profile Name uname!live or uname!eom
  • Where uname is the username assigned by Fiserv. For example, joverton.
  • The username is always followed by either !live (for the live databases) or !eom for the end of month (report) databases.