Release History

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Revision as of 22:22, 16 January 2015 by >Johno (Version - Released January 16th, 2015)
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Visimage3 Release History

Version - Released January 16th, 2015

  • HP3000 Support (Beta Version):
  • Add default Host System Type to the General Preferences dialog.
  • Host Printer Output
  • Add Advanced options, including MPE support.
  • Add support for DisableHostPrinter in vsrvtcp.ini
  • Local Printer Output:
  • When reading a Classic context, Lines/Page, Chars/Line and Copies were not loaded correctly.
  • Update the Printer Name when a different printer is selected in the Advanced dialog.

Version - Released December 17th, 2014

Cosmetic Changes:
  • Updated button images
  • More tool tips

Version - Released December 11th, 2014

  • Setup Dialogs
  • Automatically select a connection when importing Visimage 2.6 profiles.
  • Disable the Test Connection button until a new connection has been created.
  • Refresh the secondary topic list after duplicating a task.
  • Disable List Designer Select If when a Selection Criteria has been specified.
  • Local File Output:
  • "File transfer header record was invalid" when host AskPlus configuration uses the ASKTEMP variable.
  • Remove unnecessary prompt to purge a non-existent local file.
  • Automatically add the extension .xls or .xlsx to local Excel file output.
  • Support tab delimited asd files. Use ^t or \t to specify a tab delimiter.
  • AskPlus Code Generation
  • List Designer: Sort Values were not repeated in Summary Only mode when Repeat sort values on every line was selected.
  • Report Designer: A blank designer line was not created when the insertion point was active on the line.

Version - Released December 1st, 2014

  • Initial release of Visimage3