Installing Vital Signs on Windows

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Windows Server Prep Checklist

  • Created vitalsigns local or domain administrator user
  • Created vsftp local user for ftp transfers
  • Installed IIS for standard FTP
  • Installed .net framework 4.0

Downloading Vital Signs

Login to the Windows server as the vitalsigns administrator user

Download Vital Signs 1.6 Windows

Installing Vital Signs

Login to the Windows server as vitalsigns

Create a directory named vitalsigns on the large drive where Vital Signs will be installed

Unzip the contents into the vitalsigns directory

Rename the CU1 folder to the CU acronym IE: YOURCU

Create a user named vitalsignsftp that will be used to transfer files via ftp from the HPUX host

Browse into YOURCU and change permissions on the data folder

Remove local users and domain users from any access
Specifically allow vitalsigns and the vitalsigns ftp user full access

Configuring Vital Signs Listener

Browse to vitalsigns\YOURCU\data\config

Copy vsigns_srv-samp.ini to vsigns_srv.ini

Copy start_vsigns_srv-samp.vbs to start_vsigns_srv.vbs

Edit vsigns_srv.ini and modify the VS_PATH to your vitalsigns\YOURCU path

Example vsigns_srv.ini

 VS_PATH      "E:\vitalsigns\VSCU"
 VS_PORT      30601
 VS_LOG       "vsigns_srv.log"
 QV_PATH      "c:\program files\qlikview"
 QV_NAME      "qv.exe"
 CLEANUP      "archive"
 LOG_ARCHIVE_DAYS          20
 ASD_ARCHIVE_DAYS          30

Edit start_vsigns_srv.vbs and change the paths appropriately

Example start_vsigns_srv.vbs

 Dim oShell
 Set oShell = CreateObject ("") "cmd /K C:\Python27\python E:\vitalsigns\bin\ E:\vitalsigns\VSCU\data\config\vsigns_srv.ini > E:\vitalsigns\VSCU\data\config\vsigns_srv.log"
 Set oShell = Nothing

Double click start_vsigns_srv.vbs to start the listener in the foreground for verification

There should be just an underscore with a black background if this was successful Close out of the Command prompt window if it was successful

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Setup Listener to start at boot

Login as the vitalsigns user

Open taskschd.msc

Right click Task Scheduler Library and click New Folder

Name the Folder Vital Signs

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Right click the Vital Signs folder and select Create Basic Task

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Enter Vital Signs Listener for the name and click Next

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Select When the computer starts and click Next

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Select Start a program and click Next

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Browse to start_visigns_srv.vbs and click Next

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Check the Open the Properties dialog... and click Finish

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Click Run whether user is logged on or not, check Run with highest privileges and if you are running 2008 R2 select Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and click OK

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Enter the vitalsigns password and click OK

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

You should now see the Vital Signs Listener task with a status of Ready

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Right click the Task and click Run to start the listener in the background

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Verify the listener is running by opening Task Manager, select Processes, check Show processes from all users and look for python.exe

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination