Installing VsrvTcp 4.2.x
Revision as of 22:46, 25 July 2014 by >Johno
Installing VsrvTcp 4.2.x
The Visimage3 Beta requires installation of VsrvTcp Version 4.2.x.
During the beta, we recommend that you install the new version of VsrvTcp on a different port so as to minimize possible impact on your production Visimage users and jobs.
Download the latest version from the website here.
New VsrvTcp versions are distributed as individual .gz files. Each version has a unique name in the format vsrvtcp_arch_ver.gz, where 'arch' is the supported system (pa32 or it64) and ver is the version number. For example, vsrvtcp_it64_4219.gz.'
1. Transfer the file to UNIX:
- Transfer the gz file, using a binary transfer, to the /ASKPLUS directory.
2. Unzip and Copy the File:
- Logon to HPUX as root
- gunzip vsrvtcp_arch_ver.gz (Your file will have a different name, for example: vsrvtcp_it64_4219.gz)
- cp vsrvtcp_arch_ver vsrvtcp42
3. Update Permissions:
- While still loged in as root
- chown root vsrvtcp42
- chmod 755 vsrvtcp42
- chmod +s vsrvtcp42
4. Check the Version:
- ./vsrvtcp42 -v
5. Start VsrvTcp:
- If the version number is correct, start VsrvTcp on a different port:
- ./vsrvtcp42 -a -t -n29501 > /dev/null
- (Where 29501 is any available port number.)