Vital Signs Restore Prior Months
Revision as of 22:31, 22 August 2012 by >Jeremyb
- Configure the Restore Eloquence Instance
- Login as askplus - Modify the Eloquence Instance set for EQ_DBSERVER in the vsrvtcp.ini profile [vsdata_live_restore]
- Restore the and databases to the Eloquence instance you selected in the prior step.
- Extract multiple EOMs
- Restore the and databases to the Eloquence instance you selected in the prior step.
- login as bolive - run the LOAD script with the restore parameter for the earliest month:
(Where CCYYMMDD are the appropriate month-end values for the data that you restored)
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the months that you want to load (Jan to June). Based on the stdlist that I ran looked at, the job should take around 15 mins, maybe a little longer during the day. (I modified JVSLOAD_MBRSHLN so that it only does the host extract and ftp - it does not refresh all of the Vital Signs files.
- Still logged in as bolive re-run the month-end job: