Vsigns srv.ini

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Custom Settings for the Vital Signs Listener

The vsigns_srv.ini file is used to configure the listener.

In version 1.7 of Vital Signs, this file was moved from the vitalsigns/CUNAME/data/config directory to vitalsigns/CUNAME/bin directory.

INI Key Field (Note) Default Value Purpose
VS_PATH "c:\vitalsigns\CUNAME" Path to the Vital Signs directory.
VS_PORT 30601 Local port used by the Vital Signs listener.
VS_LOG "vsigns_srv.log" Name of the Vital Signs listener log file.
QV_PATH "c:\program files\qlikview" Path to the Qlik executable file.
QV_NAME "qv.exe" Name of the Qlik executable file.
CLEANUP (1) "archive" ASD cleanup mode. Must be archive or delete.
ASD_ARCHIVE_DAYS 30 The number of days to keep ASD files in the archive directory. Only meaningful if files before deleting them.
LOG_ARCHIVE_DAYS 20 The number of days to keep log files before deleting them.
QV_UNICODE UTF-8 For Qlik versions 11.2 and later use UTF-16LE.
QVD_DELETE_OK (2) N Set this to "Y" to enable deleting old QVD files with JVSCLEANUP.
HIST_QVD_NDAYS 750 Number of days of raw HIST QVDs to keep. Minimum is 400 days (roughly 13 months).
MBR_QVD_NDAYS 750 Number of days of raw MBRSHLN QVDs to keep. Minimum is 400 days (roughly 13 months).
MBR_QVD_NMTHENDS (2) 60 Number of monthend days of raw MBRSHLN QVDs to keep. Minimum is 25 monthend days.
VS_SNAP_PATH (3) "C:\vitalsigns\CUNAME\snapshots" Path to a custom snapshots directory.
  1. When CLEANUP=archive, ASD files will be transferred to an archive directory and then deleted after ASD_ARCHIVE_DAYS number of days. When CLEANUP=delete, the files will be deleted immediately. The archive mode is recommended.
  2. When QVD_DELETE_OK=Y, old QVD files can be deleted by the JVSCLEANUP job. The age of the old files is determined by the settings for HIST_QVD_NDAYS, MBR_QVD_NDAYS and MBR_QVD_NMTHENDS.
  3. Presentation documents are stored in the snapshots when they are enabled in the host vsreload.ini file.

Sample vsigns_srv.ini file:

VS_PATH            "E:\vitalsigns\MYCU"
VS_PORT            30601
VS_LOG             "vsigns_srv.log"
QV_PATH            "C:\Program Files\qlikview"
QV_NAME            "qv.exe"
CLEANUP            "archive"
MBR_QVD_NDAYS      1000
VS_SNAP_PATH       "G:\vitalsigns\snapshots"