Membership analysis.xls

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   The Membership Analysis spreadsheet contains Ranges, Dimensions, Fields and Accounts specific to Vital Signs during the nightly reloads    

Ranges Sheet

This sheet contains range information used by the Vital Signs Membership_Analysis Application

These ranges are reapplied each time the Membership_Analysis application is reloaded The assigned range is >= IM_LOW and < The next IM_LOW value specified

The IM_TIER Column is used for setting a hierarchy for the ranges used below Note: typically this is only used for Credit Tier


Used to calculate Share Balance Ranges

   SHARE-BAL	Null		No Shares
   SHARE-BAL			Negative
   SHARE-BAL	0.00		Zero
   SHARE-BAL	0.01		$0.01 to $4
   SHARE-BAL	5.00		$5 to $499
   SHARE-BAL	500.00		$500 - $999
   SHARE-BAL	1,000.00		$1K - $4,999
   SHARE-BAL	5,000.00		$5K - $9,999
   SHARE-BAL	10,000.00		$10K - $49,999
   SHARE-BAL	50,000.00		$50K - $99,999
   SHARE-BAL	100,000.00		$100K and over


Used to calculate Loan Balance Ranges

   LOAN-BAL	Null		No Loans
   LOAN-BAL			Negative
   LOAN-BAL	0.00		Zero
   LOAN-BAL	0.01		$0.01 to $999
   LOAN-BAL	1,000.00		$1K to $4,999
   LOAN-BAL	5,000.00		$5K to $9,999
   LOAN-BAL	10,000.00		$10,000 - $49,999
   LOAN-BAL	50,000.00		$50,000 - $99,999
   LOAN-BAL	100,000.00		$100K and over


Used in the Trial Balance page and should not be modified

   TRIAL-BAL			Negative
   TRIAL-BAL	0.00		Zero
   TRIAL-BAL	0.01		$0.01 - $10.00
   TRIAL-BAL	10.01		$10.01 - $25.00
   TRIAL-BAL	25.01		$25.01 - $100.00
   TRIAL-BAL	100.01		$100.01 - $500.00
   TRIAL-BAL	500.01		$500.01 - $1,000
   TRIAL-BAL	1,000.01		$1,000.01 - $2,000
   TRIAL-BAL	2,000.01		$2,000.01 - $3,000
   TRIAL-BAL	3,000.01		$3,000.01 - $5,000
   TRIAL-BAL	5,000.01		$5,000.01 - $10,000
   TRIAL-BAL	10,000.01		$10,000.01 - $20,000
   TRIAL-BAL	20,000.01		$20,000.01 - $40,000
   TRIAL-BAL	40,000.01		$40,000.01 - $100,000
   TRIAL-BAL	100,000.01		$100,000.01 and Over


Used to calculate Member Age Ranges

   MBR-AGE			Zero (No age)
   MBR-AGE	1		Under 16
   MBR-AGE	16		16 to 20
   MBR-AGE	21		21 to 25
   MBR-AGE	26		26 to 30
   MBR-AGE	31		31 to 35
   MBR-AGE	36		36 to 40
   MBR-AGE	41		41 to 45
   MBR-AGE	46		46 to 50
   MBR-AGE	51		51 to 55
   MBR-AGE	56		56 to 60
   MBR-AGE	61		61 to 65
   MBR-AGE	66		66 to 70
   MBR-AGE	71		71 to 75
   MBR-AGE	76		76 and over


Used to calculate Account Age Ranges - how long the member has been a member

   ACCT-AGE			Less than 1 Year
   ACCT-AGE	1		1 – 2 Years
   ACCT-AGE	3		3 – 5 Years
   ACCT-AGE	6		6 – 10 Years
   ACCT-AGE	11		11 – 20 Years
   ACCT-AGE	21		21 Years +

Dimensions Sheet

Fields Sheet

Accounts Sheet