Create CMNDXREF From CSV file:
- Extract the files in the ZIP file.
- Run Visimage3 and open the "Create CMNDXREF from CSV.ctx" context file.
- Click the OPEN button in the Layout section of the Design tab.
- Locate and open the supplied cmndxref.csv file
- Click GO to execute the context
- The context should create a file called ../VISCONF/CMNDXREF
Using the CMNDXREF file:
- To use the CMNDXREF file in another context:
- Create a new context or open an existing context
- Click View > Manage Databases
- Click the large + sign
- In Full Name, enter: ../VISCONF/CMNDXREF
- Click OK
- Check the "Save Database changes with context." option
- Click OK
- CMNDXREF will become a permanent part of the context.
Alternatively, you can request that Fiserv add a reference to "../VISCONF/CMNDXREF" to the ENVIR: section of your Visimage3 manager files (both live and eom).