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The Document Distribution spreadsheet is the primary definition for all custom reports for all Vital Signs applications. The file consists of a select sheet, multiple "Frequency" sheets and two additional configuration sheets.

  • Select Sheet
This sheet contains global select definitions available to all report requests. Selections for simple exports and QlikView PDF reports must be defined here. Selections for Excel Template Reports may be defined here or in the template definition file.
  • Frequency Sheets (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, ...)
By default, the spreadsheet contains three sheets that define the standard reporting frequencies: Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
The name of the sheet must match the report frequency that is passed via vsreload:
/VSJOBS/JVSRELOAD task Load=N Print=Daily
Additional custom frequency sheets can be added, for example BoardReports, Finance, Tuesday etc.
Custom frequencies are executed via a call to JVSRELOAD
/VSJOBS/JVSRELOAD task Load=N Print=BoardReports
Document Distribution Overview
Note: Whenever a new frequency sheet is added, a corresponding change must be made to the vReportFrequencies variable in the main Vital Signs configuration file.

Select Sheet

Selections defined in the select sheet of the DocumentDistribution file are global and are accessible to all report requests. A selection consists of one or more steps that share the same selection name. Each step is entered on a separate row and is given a unique step number that determines the order of execution for that step within the overall selection. The step is defined by the Type, TypeName and TypeValue columns which are described in more detail.


The Unique name of the selection. All steps in the same selection use the exact same name.


Sequence number (1 to N), the execution order of each step.


The type of action for the current step of the selection. Types can be actions, field selections, bookmark selections, ...


Name of the Action, Bookmark, Field or Dimension


Corresponding value that varies depending on the type of action. For example, it could be the name of the bookmark, or a value for a field selection.

Frequency Sheets: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, ...

The default (pre-configured) frequencies are Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Additional custom frequencies may be created.

Each frequency sheet must include the following columns:


The name of the QlikView (qvw) file
* Note: the extension .qvw is not required
* Note: a quick way to temporarily disable the printing of a document is to precede the name with a #


The type of report being created. Must be one of Excel, Export, Report
* Excel - Use for Excel Template Reports
* Export - Use for simple Excel exports
* Report - Use for QlikView PDF reports


The report definition. The definition depends on the type of report being generated:
* Excel - The name of a valid Excel Template definition file.
By default, the definition file should be located in the vitalsigns/CUNAME/data/config directory.
Note: Do not include the extension xls or xlsx with the definition, just the file name.
* Export - The QlikView object ID of the chart or table
* Report - The QlikView report ID or report name


The name of the Excel or PDF file being created. The name can include special tags that will be substituted at run time:
* <band> - The current banding value. Use for file level banding.
* <date> - The current date. This is the actual create date when the file was created.
* $(varname) - The value of any qlikview variable.


Purge - Purge any existing file with the same name before continuing.
This is the only action currently supported


The name of a selection to execute prior to generating the report. Selections are defined in the Select sheet.


The field that the export should use for every distinct value, example: MBR_BRANCH_NAME


The name of a Windows printer configured on the Vital Signs server.
Valid only for QlikView PDF reports.
Note: this field is usually left blank as reports are typically saved as a PDF file.


A list of email addresses (separated by a semi-colon) to receive a copy of the created file(s)
Note: Do not email attachments containg confidential information.

Note: The above description is for version 1.5 document distribution. The layout for versions prior to 1.5 was different.

Configuration Sheets

There are two configuration sheets that must be setup: PDFConfig and EmailConfig.

PDFconfig Sheet


   The name of the PDF printer, default : VitalSignsPDF



   The root url to an intranet path to pre-pend in report links within emails

Emailconfig Sheet


   This will appear as the From in the Email


   The IP address of the SMTP server


   The Port that the SMTP server is listening on


The Username for authentication with the SMTP server


The Password for authentication with the SMTP server


Values 1 to 3 (Default 2)
   1 cdoSendUsingPickup
   2 cdoSendUsingPort
   3 cdoSendUsingExchange


   0 or 1 (Default 1)


   0 or 1 (Default 0)


   Timeout in seconds (Default 60)


   Yes or No (Default: No)