Loan Types & Products

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During configuration, a two level hierarchy is created that groups all loans into LN_TYPE and LN_PRODUCT. The main purpose is to make it easy to report (and select) all loans by TYPE, and by TYPE & PRODUCT. For example, loan types might be: LOC, Vehicle, Mortgage and Other. One or more PRODUCTS is defined for each TYPE. For example, the Vehicle type might include the products New and Used.

Each unique loan COLLATERAL is assigned a LN_TYPE and a LN_PRODUCT by creating and updating the LNXREF spreadsheet. When new loans are configured in the core this spreadsheet must also be updated to add a new entry for each new loan.

The LNXREF information is used by the Membership_Analysis and Membership_Summary documents.

Configuration File

The configuration file is called LNXREFccyymmdd.xls. Where ccyymmdd is the effective date for the product assignments. Typically, ccyymmdd is the date of the initial Vital Signs configuration. The initial Vital Signs design allows for the creation of multiple LNXREF files with different effective dates, however, in practice this is never necessary and only one file should exist.

A Visimage3 context is available to initially create the LNXREF file.

Excel Column (Note) Purpose
LN_COLLATERAL (1) The loan's collateral code.
LN_ATTR_NBR (2) A numeric value assigning an optional attribute number to this loan.
LN_PROD_NBR (2) A numeric value assigning an optional product number to this loan.
DESCRIPTION (3) The description of the loan.
LN_SECURED (4) A flag indicating whether or not the loan is secured.
LN_TYPE (5) A text value assigning the TYPE for this loan.
LN_TYPE_SORT (6) A numeric value assigning the sort value for this loan TYPE.
LN_PRODUCT (7) A text value assigning the PRODUCT (within the TYPE) for this loan.
LN_PRODUCT_SORT (8) A numeric value assigning the sort value for this loan PRODUCT.
  1. The COLLATERAL code for this loan. All loans configured on the core should be listed.
  2. The ATTR and PROD numbers are optional. When assigned, member's that have the specified loan are assigned the corresponding attribute/product. The attribute number, must correspond to an attribute defined in the Vital Signs host ATTRFILE.
  3. The description listed here is not used by Vital Signs. The description is initially populated by the Visimage3 context to simplify the task of assigning TYPEs and PRODUCTs.
  4. Enter Yes/No to indicate whether or not this is a secured loan.
  5. The text value assigned to the TYPE must be identical for all loans assigned to that TYPE.
  6. The SORT value determines the order that types are displayed in charts. The sort values must be identical for all loans that are assigned the same type. Sorts do not have to be contiguous.
  7. The text value assigned to the PRODUCT must be identical for all loans assigned to that PRODUCT. The same PRODUCT name maybe assigned to loans in a different TYPE.
  8. The sort value determines the order that products are displayed in charts. The sort values must be identical for all loans that are assigned the same type and product. Sorts do not have to be contiguous.

Assigning the Type and Product

  • The loan TYPE is assigned by entering a text value in the LN_TYPE column and a numeric sort value in the LN_TYPE_SORT column. The text and sort values must be identical for all loans that are assigned to the same loan TYPE.
  • The loan PRODUCT is assigned by entering a text value in the LN_PRODUCT column and a numeric sort value in the LN_PRODUCT_SORT column. The text and sort values must be identical for all loans that are assigned to the same loan TYPE/PRODUCT combination.
  • The SORT numbers for TYPEs and PRODUCTs must be identical for each TYPE (and PRODUCT). The sorts do not need to be contiguous.
  • Any loans that are not listed in the LNXREF configuration file will be assigned a TYPE of Unknown.

Assigning Attribute and Product Numbers

Assigning Attribute Numbers:

  • Member attributes can be assigned during the host extract jobs or when processing the SHXREF and LNXREF configuration files. Attributes are defined in the host ATTRFILE.
  • To assign a member attribute using the LNXREF file, enter the corresponding attribute number (see ATTRFILE) in the LN_ATTR_NBR column. The attribute flag for the member will be set to true (Yes) if the member has at least one of the loans assigned with that attribute number. The attribute number is used to position the attribute on the Member Attributes page. Attributes 1-15 are shown in the first column and 16-30 appear in the second column.

Assigning Product Numbers:

  • Member attributes can also be considered products, in which case they are counted. This is not the same as the LN_PRODUCT discussed above.
  • To make the attribute a product, enter a product number in the LN_PROD_NBR column. When assigning product numbers, it is very important that all rows with the same attribute number are also assigned the same product number. Products are not defined in a separate file. The product name is determined by the attribute name. The product number is used only for screen placement. Product numbers are limited to 1-20, the first 10 appear in the first column and the remainder appear in the second column.