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(Vital Signs Changes)
(Vital Signs Changes)
Line 137: Line 137:
D1, STATE-2                  , 1
newreg STATE:X2
D1, #STATE                   , 1

Revision as of 17:00, 9 October 2015

Spectrum Release 2015.2.0

In the 2015.02 Spectrum release Fiserv enhanced the database structure and made data changes to handle international addresses. The modifications which affect AskPlus, Visimage and Vital Signs are changes to CITY, STATE and ZIP:

  • In some datasets the CITY field has been expanded to 20 chars, while in other datasets it has been renamed to CITY-16.
  • The STATE field was also expanded to 4 chars in some datasets, when not expanded it was renamed to STATE-2.
  • In some datasets the ZIP field was changed from an integer to an X10 field. Data in those fields has been reformatted to include leading zeros. In sets where no change was made, the field was renamed to ZIP-CODE.

In the MEMBRS database, changes were made to MEMBER-FILE and ADDRESS-INFO. Fields in the following datasets were renamed: BRANCH-FILE, CREDITOR-FILE, ESCROW-MASTER, VEHICLE-INFO and ENTITIES.

In the MEMBR2 database, changes were made to DRAFT-ORDERS (both STATE and ALT-STATE). Fields in the following datasets were renamed: INVESTOR-MASTER and COLLECT-AGENCY.

Refer to the Spectrum 2015.2.0 Release Notes for more information.

AskPlus/Visimage Macro Changes

Several AskPlus macros have been modified to correctly handle the database changes. It was not possible to make all of the new macro definitions backwards compatible with the pre 2015.2.0 database structure. Therefore, after installing 2015.2.0 you must rebuild the macro file using the new macro definition file. AskPlus jobs and Visimage contexts that use these address macros will not need to be changed provided the macro file is rebuilt.

The following links provide more information on installing and testing macro files:
The following macros were changed:
  • %FZIP - Returns MEMBER-FILE.ZIP as a formatted zip code.
  • %CVT-FZIP(insert-zip) - Returns a formatted zip code for the specified field, for example %CVT-FZIP(ADDRESS-INFO.ZIP).
These macros will return a zero filled US zip-code (5 or 9 digits whatever is stored in the database) or an international zip code. US 9 digit zip codes are formatted 12345-4321 if the zip code is numeric and exactly 9 digits long, otherwise the macro returns the zip code as it is stored in the database.
  • %ZIP5 - Returns MEMBER-FILE.ZIP as a 5 digit zip code.
  • %CVT-ZIP5(insert-zip) - Returns a 5 digit zip code for the specified field, for example %CVT-ZIP5(ADDRESS-INFO.ZIP).
These macros will return a zero filled US 5 digit zip code. If the zip-code is numeric and exactly 5 or 9 digits long, the first 5 digits will be returned, otherwise the macro returns 0 for all other zip codes. An incorrectly entered US zip code that is not 5 or 9 digits long will return 0. International (non-numeric) zip codes will also return 0.
  • %ZIP9 - Returns MEMBER-FILE.ZIP as a 9 digit zip code.
  • %CVT-ZIP9(insert-zip) - Returns a 9 digit zip code for the specified field, for example %CVT-ZIP9(ADDRESS-INFO.ZIP).
These macros will return a zero filled US 9 digit zip code with no formatting. If the zip code is numeric and exactly 5 digits, the 5 digit zip code plus 4 zeros will be returned. If the zip code is numeric and exactly 9 digits long, the full 9 digits will be returned, otherwise the macro returns 0 for all other zip codes. An incorrectly entered US zip code that is not 5 or 9 digits long will return 0. International (non-numeric) zip codes will also return 0.
The following new macros were added:
  • %FZIP5 - Returns MEMBER-FILE.ZIP as a formatted 5 digit zip code (for US zip codes) or the original value for international ones.
  • %CVT-FZIP5(insert-zip) - Returns a formatted 5 digit zip code for the specified field or an unformatted international zip, for example %CVT-FZIP5(ADDRESS-INFO.ZIP).
These macros will return a 5 digit US zip code (regardless of whether the zip is 5 or 9 digits in the database) or an international zip code.
  • %FZIP9 - Returns MEMBER-FILE.ZIP as a formatted 9 digit zip code (for US zip codes) or the original value for international ones.
  • %CVT-FZIP5(insert-zip) - Returns a formatted 9 digit zip code for the specified field or an unformatted international zip, for example %CVT-FZIP9(ADDRESS-INFO.ZIP).
These macros will return a hyphenated 9 digit US zip code (regardless of whether the zip is 5 or 9 digits in the database) or an international zip code.
The following old macros were renamed:
These macros should be used to format zip code fields that have not been changed and are still stored in the database using numeric fields. These zip code fields have been renamed in the database as ZIP-CODE.
  • %CVT-FZIP-OLD(insert-zip) - Returns a formatted zip code for the field, for example %CVT-FZIP-OLD(BRANCH-FILE.ZIP-CODE).
If the macro is 5 or less digits, returns a zero-filled 5 digit zip code, otherwise it returns a zero-filled 9 digit zip code formatted as 12345-4321.
  • %CVT-ZIP5-OLD(insert-zip) - Returns a 5 digit zip code for the field, for example %CVT-ZIP5-OLD(BRANCH-FILE.ZIP-CODE).
Returns a zero-filled 5 digit zip code. If the zip code is more than 5 digits, the last 4 digits will be removed.
  • %CVT-ZIP9-OLD(insert-zip) - Returns a 9 digit zip code for the field, for example %CVT-ZIP9-OLD(BRANCH-FILE.ZIP-CODE).
Returns a zero-filled 9 digit zip code. If the zip code is 5 or less digits, the zip code will be padded with 4 zeros. The string is not formatted.
  • %MEM-CSZ-OLD - Returns the MEMBER-FILE CITY-STATE-ZIP in the format "CITY (max 16 chars), ST (max 2 chars) ZIP"
This macro should only be used if you want to truncate the CSZ to a maximum of 31 chars. The macro uses at most 16 chars of the CITY name and at most 2 chars of the STATE followed by the formatted zip code using %FZIP.

AskPlus Job Changes

  • Field Name Changes
Any AskPlus jobs that reference fields that have been renamed will need to be modified. Search your UC4 jobs for CITY, STATE and ZIP and then determine which dataset the job is using. Rename the fields to CITY-16, STATE-2 or ZIP-CODE only when the dataset is one listed above for renamed fields.
If a job uses one of the macros %CVT-FZIP, %CVT-ZIP5 or %CVT-ZIP9 in a dataset where the field has been renamed ZIP-CODE you will also need to rename the macro to %CVT-FZIP-OLD, %CVT-ZIP5-OLD or %CVT-ZIP9-OLD.
Remember that most jobs will be using address fields from MEMBER-FILE and ADDRESS-INFO and field names in these jobs do not need to be changed.
  • Output Position Changes
Any AskPlus jobs that reference fields that have been increased in size may need to be modified. Search your UC4 jobs for CITY, STATE and ZIP and then determine which dataset the job is using. Jobs using datasets like MEMBER-FILE and ADDRESS-FILE will now print an extra 4 characters for CITY and two extra characters for STATE. The macro %MEM-CSZ also has the potential to return a longer result since both city and state have been expanded.
If the job uses fixed print positions, not tabs (TAB1, TAB2, ...) you will need to do one of the following:
  • Modify the job to print only 16 chars for CITY and 2 chars for state. Update the job to use the following syntax:
  • CITY.(1:x16)
  • STATE.(1:x2)
  • %MEM-CSZ-OLD - this macro truncates the city to 16 chars and the state to 2 chars.
  • Or, modify the print positions in the job to allow for the required additional space.
Remember if the job uses TABn syntax, no changes will be needed as the column widths are automatically calculated.

Visimage Context Changes

  • Field Name Changes
Any contexts that reference fields that have been renamed will need to be modified. If, during execution, you get an error "Invalid field name" for CITY, STATE or ZIP, you will need change the field name to CITY-16, STATE-2, or ZIP-CODE.
If the context uses one of the macros %CVT-FZIP, %CVT-ZIP5 or %CVT-ZIP9 in a dataset where the field has been renamed ZIP-CODE you will also need to rename the macro to %CVT-FZIP-OLD, %CVT-ZIP5-OLD or %CVT-ZIP9-OLD.
Remember that most contexts will be using address fields from MEMBER-FILE and ADDRESS-INFO and field names in these jobs do not need to be changed.
  • Output Position Changes
Visimage contexts that contain report tasks that use fields that have been increased in size may need to be modified. By default, the context will continue to work, but the city name will most likely be truncated to 16 chars and the state to 2 chars. If you want to display the full city (20 chars) or state (4 chars) you will need to modify the field properties in the report. Reports that use %MEM-CSZ may need to increase the allocated space from 31 chars to 37 chars. The macro %MEM-CSZ-OLD will return a maximum of 31 chars using a max of 16 chars from CITY and 2 chars from STATE.
List tasks will automatically adjust column widths and display the full 20 chars for city, 4 chars for state and 37 chars for %MEM-CSZ.

Vital Signs Changes

  • New Macro Definition File:
The new macro definition file described above must be installed.
  • Script File Changes:
The following scripts will need to modified after the upgrade to Spectrum 2015.2.0. We recommend testing these changes in advance with a test instance of the 2015.02 database. Instead of editing the script files as they exist, make copies with the extension .2015.02 and edit those copies rather than the original files. The detailed testing steps are shown below.
  • Edit the file scripts/VSLOAD-MBRFILE and change:
# Near line 180
newreg MBR-ZIP:X5
# Near line 230
#MBR-ZIP+4 = !format("xxxxx-xxxx",!cvt:Z9(MEMBER-FILE.ZIP)), 
             IF (MEMBER-FILE.ZIP > 99999)
newreg MBR-ZIP:X10
  • Edit the file scripts/VSLOAD-LNFILE and change:
# Near line 190
D1, STATE                    , 1
newreg STATE:X2
D1, #STATE                   , 1
  • Edit the file scripts/VSLOAD-LOOKUP and change:
# Near line 23
#BR-CSZ    = !propername(CITY) splice "," join STATE
#BR-CSZ    = #BR-CSZ join !cvt:z5(ZIP), if ZIP <= 99999
#BR-CSZ    = #BR-CSZ join !cvt:z5(ZIP / 10000), if ZIP > 99999
#BR-CSZ    = !propername(CITY-16) splice "," join STATE-2
#BR-CSZ    = #BR-CSZ join !cvt:z5(ZIP-CODE), if ZIP-CODE <= 99999
#BR-CSZ    = #BR-CSZ join !cvt:z5(ZIP-CODE / 10000), if ZIP-CODE > 99999
  • Custom Changes:
If you have made custom changes to the extract scripts, we recommend that you search the other files in the scripts directory and look for CITY, STATE and ZIP. Contact support if you have questions.
  • Foreign Addresses:
During the 2015.2 VUP foreign addresses stored in ADDRESS-LINES(3) (MEMBER-FILE and ADDRESS-INFO) will be moved into the CITY, STATE and ZIP fields. Contact Vital Soft support if you would like to perform the same logic to the existing (previously extracted) MBRFILE and ADDRINFO QVD files. This QVD update process has not been written yet, but we can make it available if clients request it.

More information on Testing Vital Signs Script Changes for the Spectrum 2015.2 release.