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Updating the Macro Definition File

The macro definition file is a text file that should be uploaded using an ASCII transfer.

Download the macro definition file here.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the version appropriate for AskPlus version E.8.3.3.

1. Transfer the file to UNIX:

  • Transfer the samp macrodef file, using an ASCII transfer, to the /ASKPLUS/visimage directory.
Using vi, verify that the file is a valid UNIX file. In vi, you should not see any ^M characters at the end of each line. If ^M characters appear at the end of each line, convert the file using the following commands.
mv macrodef_e83.samp macrodef_e83.dos
dos2unix <macrodef_e83.dos >macrodef_e83.samp

2. Backup the old definition file and copy the new one:

  • Logon to HPUX as askplus
cd /ASKPLUS/visimage
mv macrodef macrodefv26
chmod macrodef_e83.samp 644 (The downloaded macrodef file may have a different name.)
cp macrodef_e83.samp macrodef

3. Rebuild the indexed macro file used by AskPlus and Visimage:

This step requires that the macro file (/ASKPLUS/visimage/macro) is not in use. All Visimage users must exit server and no AskPlus jobs should be running.
  • While still logged in as askplus
cd /ASKPLUS/visimage
If you get an error that the file is in use and cannot be created (or purged), it might be necessary to bring the listener(s) down to ensure that the file is not being accessed.
  • To kill the listener:
  • Login as root
/ASKPLUS/kill_vsrvtcp -stop_all
Note, the above command will kill all copies of the listener running on any port.
Run the load_macros script again, remember to login as the askplus user and cd visimage.
  • To restart the listener:
  • Login as root
/ASKPLUS/vsrvtcp -a -t –n30501 –a >/dev/null
/ASKPLUS/vsrvtcp_49 -a -t –n30503 –a >/dev/null
Remember to start two listeners (on two different ports) if you have users running Visimage 2.6 and Visimage3. Use port numbers appropriate on your system. Please note, the default port number is normally defined in /etc/services under the askplus entry. There is no need to specify the -n parameter to start server on the default port.