Vs branch info.xls

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The vs_branch_info spreadsheet allows for custom naming of Branches as well as assigning what type of Branch they are. You can also define productivity targets and productivity ranges.


Excel Column Meaning
VS_BR_COMMENT Any non-blank value in this column disables the entire row.
VS_BR_NUM The branch number.
VS_BR_NAME The branch name to display in Vital Signs documents.
VS_BR_SORT A numeric sort value to determine the branch sort order in charts.
VS_BR_TYPE The 2 character VS_BR_TYPE defined on the VS_BR_TYPES sheet.
VS_BR_DESC A description for the branch - not used by the Vital Signs documents.
VS_BR_PRODUCTIVITY_TARGET The branch productivity target in terms of transactions per hour.
VS_BR_PROD_RANGE The valid productivity range. A value of .1 indicates a range of +/- 10%.

VS_BR_TYPES Worksheet

Excel Column Meaning
VS_BR_TYPE_COMMENT Any non-blank value in this column disables the entire row.
VS_BR_TYPE A 2 letter code indicating the branch type. For example FS.
VS_BR_TYPE_DESC The branch type description. For example, Full Service.