Spectrum Member Reports

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Member Counts

  • Member counts by age and account age.
Sample Report Output

DATE: 08/23/2021        TIME: 9:48 AM                                                                                                     Page: 1
                                                              Members by Age Groups
[Zero] [Under 16] [16 - 20 ]  [21 - 25] [26 - 30] [31 - 35] [36 - 40] [41 - 45] [46 - 50] [51 - 55] [56 - 60] [61 - 70] [71 - 75] [ 76+ ] [Total]
   5        0          1          3         1         3         0         2        17        58        42        94        44       96        366


DATE: 08/23/2021        TIME: 9:51 AM                                                                                            Page: 1
                                                     Members by Account Age Groups
[ Less Than 1 Year ]  [   1 - 2 Years   ] [   3 - 5 Years   ][   6 - 10 Years   ]  [  11 - 20 Years  ] [   21+ Years   ] [Total Members]
          5                    0                   0                   0                    1                 360                366


Download Member Counts
Created: 2016/09/01

Totals by ACC and Collateral

  • Created in REPORT. SHARE-FILE Totals by ACC and LOAN-FILE Totals by Col.
  • SHARE-FILE Totals by ACC counts and totals all open Shares by ACC code.LOAN-FILE Totals by COLLATERAL counts and totals all open Loans by Collateral code.
Sample Report Output
DATE: 05/27/2021                                                    PAGE:     1
TIME: 8:26 AM
                      Account Summary Report, By ACC Code.
               ACC      DESC  # OF ACCOUNTS             BALANCE
                 1      RSA        328          $11,884,493.94
                 2      SDA        150           $2,230,379.74
                 4      HOL         69              $48,077.39
                 5      VAC         37              $74,302.40
                 6      IRA         71             $381,215.14
                 7      BDA         85           $1,745,973.43
                14      12I         45             $168,225.52
                21      SSA         33             $126,764.35
                22      RSA          1               $1,038.50
                23      HYA         49             $935,889.12
                25      SMC         38             $683,095.28
                26      12C         73           $1,355,152.29
                27      TYC         10             $121,962.50
                32      EMC          7               $2,842.53
                90      SPC         31          $12,766,553.51
                                 1,027          $32,525,965.64

DATE: 05/27/2021                                                    PAGE:     1
TIME: 8:32 AM
                   Account Summary Report, By Collateral Code.
              COLL  DESCRIPTION           # OF LOANS             BALANCE
                 1  PERSONAL                    3            $17,714.37
                 8  REAL ESTATE                 2            $13,331.37
                 9  SHARES                      1                $70.40
                11  NEW CAR                    23            $84,726.28
                12  USED CAR                    2            $11,341.85
                15  MISCELLANEOUS               1             $7,065.90
                21  EQUITY LOC                  1             $3,344.43
                22  LNG TRM 1ST MRTG RE         7           $548,668.35
                25  EQUITY LOC                  1            $80,000.00
                28  HOME EQUITY LOC             2           $142,745.31
                30  CLASSIC VISA               28            $29,825.39
                31  GOLD VISA                  17            $23,969.96
                32  FIXED EQUITY LOC            1             $9,316.45
               101  PERSONAL                    1            $12,470.00
               108  REAL ESTATE                 1           $140,000.00
               109  SHARES                      1             $2,825.11
               111  NEW CAR                    42           $139,253.05
               112  USED CAR                    3            $28,369.93
               122  LNG TRM 1ST MRTG RE         3           $395,792.98
               127  HOME EQUITY                 3            $57,307.41
               129  HOME EQUITY LOC             2            $24,597.77
               130  CLASSIC VISA               14            $14,533.69
               131  GOLD VISA                  20             $7,337.49
               400                              6            $35,660.47
                                              185         $1,830,267.96

Download Totals by ACC and Collateral
Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Displays all Member, Share and Loan level control flags defined on your system
Sample Report Output
Date: 09/16/2020                                                     Page:    1
Time: 7:44 AM
                              Flag Description List
 Level  Level Description                           Flag#        Flag Description
  LC    Loan Control
                                                       21        VARIABLE PYMT LOAN
                                                       22        NO LATE NOTICES
                                                       23        OPEN END LOAN
                                                       24        LINE OF CREDIT LOAN
                                                       25        REAL ESTATE LOAN
                                                       26        CU LATE NOTICES
                                                       27        CREDIT CARD LOAN
                                                       31        PRECHARGE OFF IND
                                                       32        NO ADVANCE TAKEN YET
  LR    Loan Restrict
                                                        3        O/L INQUIRIES
                                                        4        ALL PAYMENTS M,L
                                                        5        ALL DISBURSEMNTS M,L
                                                        6        ALL ON-LINE ACTIVITY
                                                        7        B/O POST EXPT S&L DR
                                                        8        B/O S&L DRAFT POST
                                                        9        ALL DATA CHANGES
                                                       10        ALL ATM USAGE
                                                       11        ALL ACTIVITY
                                                       12        ALL ACTIVITY
  MC    Member Control
                                                       21        NO MAIL TO MEMBER
                                                       22        SEND STATEMNTS TO CU
                                                       23        DON'T PRNT ADDR LBLS
                                                       24        BAD ADDRESS
                                                       25        MONTHLY STATEMENT
                                                       26        ATM FLAG
                                                       27        PROXY FLAG
                                                       28        CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT
                                                       29        MEMBER IS DECEASED
                                                       30        CAPTURE ATM CARD
                                                       31        CHARGED OFF LOAN
                                                       32        COLLECTIONS
                                                       33        EFT FEES
                                                       34        C/O SHARE ACCOUNT(S)
                                                       51        NO INFO TO SPOUSE
                                                       80        HOME BANKING ON

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Uses multipass reporting and contains 2 REPORTS. Sorts open member accounts
  • The first REPORT sorts all open member account numbers in account number order. Each ACCOUNT number will be given an index. The information is sent to a HOST file called MEMORDER. The second REPORT uses the MEMORDER file to report the first 55 ACCOUNTÎs in account order in column 1 and the next 55 ACCOUNTS in account order in column two.
Sample Report Output
Date: 09/16/2020                                                                                           Page:     1
Time: 9:21 AM                              Member listing by Account
Member Name                        Account  Birth Date        Member Name                         Account  Birth Date
STEVE KRYGIER                          105  12/15/1965        KYLE MILLER                            2973  06/01/1941
JAMES N PADDOCK                        207  05/01/1934        THOMAS FINDER                          3653  09/05/1939
REBECCA ONEAL                          211  08/01/1921        GERALD G GOLF                          3757  07/20/1944
DAVID R WALLING                        239  05/31/1928        GEORGE M JONES                         4061  12/01/1946
KATHY MASON                            273  03/24/1927        HARRY BANK                             5098  03/01/1923
MIKE RULLINS                           318  10/06/1935        STANLEY W JOHNSON                      5138  06/01/1945
DONNA OAKLEY                           354  02/02/1935        ROBERT SMUCKER                         5670  12/20/1954
HENRY MARTIN                           394  06/01/1921        BARBARA SMITH                          5671  00/00/0000
CYNTHIA O'BRIEN                        472  04/01/1921        DUANE F FARGO                          6101  12/21/1945
WAYNE DOUGLAS                          549  09/01/1931        CAROLYN LERAY                          6606  07/24/1944
EDDIE MURPHY                           600  09/01/1927        JOHN B MICHEALS                        6815  05/01/1936
BRENDA BROWN                           601  12/25/1926        ROBERT MICHEALS                        6917  06/01/1929
ROBIN WILLIAMS                         602  09/02/1927        ROBERT MICHEALS                        7189  08/08/1946
JACK JONES                             603  02/02/1927        JASON MICHEALS                         7212  04/09/1946
ROBIN HOOD                             604  09/26/1927        JANE ANDERSON                          7228  01/06/1942
GLORIA MARSHALL                        605  05/05/1945        JOSEPH L COOK                          7280  06/08/1940
WILLIAM CLINTON                        606  10/15/1927        DONNA OAKLEY                           7297  04/01/1944
DANA JACKSON                           607  05/05/1927        RUSSELL D ROBERTS                      7421  10/01/1939
JAY LENO                               608  10/28/1927        STEVE W ROBERTS                        7488  08/01/1949
MYRNA WARREN                           609  02/25/1927        HELEN O MILLER                         8008  09/01/1924
JUDY COLE                              610  05/02/1928        LOUISE M MILTON                        8246  09/03/1939
MILTON BERLE                           611  07/06/1947        JEFFEREY ROBINSON                      8339  00/00/0000
SARAH HARRIS                           612  05/25/1927        MARK A POLK                            8356  05/01/1955
JOAN BAEZ                              613  08/07/1947        ALLAN L POTTER                         8592  07/01/1949
MARK EUGENE                            614  02/05/1932        JAMES D FRIED                          8744  05/01/1947
RUDYARD KIPLING                        615  08/07/1947        LEE J PAINE                            8927  05/30/1943
CINDY BERCH                            616  02/28/1945        LUANNA TIDWELL                         9091  09/27/1954
KATHY LEE                              617  10/09/1960        CAROL A CLINTON                        9092  08/24/1941
GOLDIE HAWN                            618  11/10/1959        DENNIS W GRAVES                        9125  04/01/1950
JUDY COLLINS                           619  02/05/1936        MARY SUMMERFIELD                       9994  05/02/1933
BRETT BUTLER                           620  12/11/1953        BARRY BENNET                          10220  02/07/1952
DAN DORRIS                             621  02/25/1952        JACK LAVEE                            10597  01/01/1950
BEVERLY HOLLIS                         622  09/01/1927        DEBBIE DUNLAP                         10897  12/13/1996
ALBERT EINSTEIN                        623  09/01/1927        PETE PETERSON                         10903  12/16/1950
ANNE DORRIS                            624  07/27/1927        ANDY OLSEN                            11073  07/24/1939
JAMES RAGAN                            625  05/21/1963        FRANKLIN DAVIS                        11076  12/02/1956
JOHN WILLIAMS                          626  11/30/1960        JEFF TERRELL                          11333  02/22/1934
MICHAEL BOLTON                         627  12/25/1948        TOMMY JONES                           11477  10/06/1945
MARY WHITE                             628  05/27/1974        SANDRA CLEMSON                        11677  02/12/1963
DAVID TANK                             629  05/28/1963        GUY MANIET                            12308  08/09/1945
MURIEL HEMMINGWAY                      630  09/08/1958        KATHLEEN GARVEY                       12416  07/24/1951
DEBORAH PITZER                         632  04/25/1940        CHRISTOPHER CIPOLLONE                 12535  07/10/1928
JOHN PATTERSON                         633  05/27/1956        MIGON CACKETT                         12573  09/10/1959
DENNIS STEIGMANN                       634  08/06/1947        GARY M CIELE                          12639  06/26/1953
JEFFREY J LOVE                         635  05/26/1958        ROBERT PAULS                          12640  10/12/1961
HAROLD R HANSEN                        636  05/26/1962        CLYDE A FRIED                         12980  01/02/1953
TIM T ROUDER                           637  04/21/1958        NANCY L PLENE                         13037  12/28/1951
ALAN J ROSS                            638  05/08/1959        JAMES C CIRRIS                        14069  11/05/1932
MICHAEL ROLLY                          639  07/15/1968        DAVID FREDERRICH                      14108  07/23/1956
SILVIA BLACKWELL                       641  00/00/0000        WILLARD R CELES                       14253  02/06/1945
GUY MORRIS                             644  01/01/1927        STEVE R PARKER                        14259  07/15/1957
CHRIS MANZUK                          1032  12/05/1931        SANDRA K ANSELMO                      14442  11/10/1955
NEAL GILLENWATER                      1258  11/15/1929        KENT M POLADERD                       14490  10/05/1955
EVELYN ANDERSON                       2662  04/12/1940        MICHAEL R RANDALL                     14766  04/17/1947
TRISH MILLER                          2972  05/01/1942        ROBERT J CREADER                      15076  10/10/1943

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Uses multipass reporting and contains 2 REPORTS.
  • The first pass will select ALL share accounts (open and closed) and outputs those ACCOUNT numbers where not all SSN numbers match. A host file, MULTISSN is created and used in the final Report. The final report displays all of the suffixÎs and SSNÎs for each ACCOUNT.
Sample Report Output
Date: 05/27/2021                                                            Page:     1
Time: 8:41 AM                     Multiple SSN Report
                                   (Share Records)
    Account  Member Name                Suffix    SSN         Balance  Flag-11  Flag-12
        207  JAMES N PADDOCK
                                          00  142-57-8555  180,529.36      0        0
                                          01  542-57-8551      716.79      0        0
                                          10  542-57-8551    5,888.85      0        0
                                          15  542-57-8551   46,364.66      0        0
                                          81  542-57-8551        0.00     80        0
        211  REBECCA ONEAL
                                          00  278-41-2794   13,150.47      0        0
                                          15  478-41-2792    6,472.16      0        0
        239  DAVID R WALLING
                                          00  240-49-9605    9,569.90      0        0
                                          01  540-49-9602      195.37      0        0
                                          10  540-49-9602   14,014.45      0        0
                                          15  240-49-9605    3,315.41      0        0
        273  KATHY MASON
                                          00  140-43-4901    9,395.47-     0        0
                                          10  540-43-4900  104,474.46      0        0
                                          30  140-43-4901  102,358.01      0        0
                                          70  140-43-4901        0.00      0        0

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Selects all members who have one open SHARE or LOAN.
  • Selects all members who have at least one open SHARE or one open LOAN with a balance that is not charged off and then reports all SHAREs and LOANs per member.
Sample Report Output
Date: 05/28/2021                                                                          Page:      1
Time: 8:25 AM                             Total Membership Report
                                   All Open Shares and Loans per Member
                                                     Shares                         Loans
    Account  Member Name                 Desc-Abrv SFX         Balance   Collateral SFX       Balance
        105  STEVE KRYGIER
                                             RSA    00       $1,691.80
                                             SDA    15       $1,146.89
        207  JAMES N PADDOCK
                                             RSA    00     $180,529.36
                                             SSA    01         $716.79
                                             HYA    10       $5,888.85
                                             SDA    15      $46,364.66
        239  DAVID R WALLING
                                             RSA    00       $9,569.90       31    98       $1,580.95
                                             SSA    01         $195.37
                                             HYA    10      $14,014.45
                                             SDA    15       $3,315.41
                                             ==========================     ==========================
                                                            $27,095.13                      $1,580.95
        273  KATHY MASON
                                             RSA    00       $9,395.47-      22    87         $140.15
                                             HYA    10     $104,474.46
                                             SMC    30     $102,358.01
                                             ==========================     ==========================
                                                           $197,437.00                        $140.15

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Displays the total number and total balance of both SHARES and LOANS per member
  • Displays the total number and total balance of both SHARES and LOANS per member. It will also display the total number of SHAREs and LOANs as well as the total BALANCE for all SHAREs and LOANs for the entire Credit Union. (The report in this context is the same as the SHARE-AND-LOAN-DETAIL report. The method used to create this report is the only difference between the two.)
Sample Report Output
Date: 08/23/2021                                                         Page:     1
Time: 9:56 AM
                                   Member Share and Loan Totals
     Account Name                                 Shares                Loans
                                            Count        Total   Count        Total
         105 STEVE KRYGIER                     2      2,838.69      0          0.00
         207 JAMES N PADDOCK                   4    233,499.66      0          0.00
         211 REBECCA ONEAL                     2     19,622.63      0          0.00
         239 DAVID R WALLING                   4     27,095.13      1      1,580.95
         273 KATHY MASON                       3    197,437.00      1        140.15
         318 MIKE RULLINS                      2     18,814.04      1        520.42
         354 DONNA OAKLEY                      2     33,722.41      1        520.42
         394 HENRY MARTIN                      2     36,322.22      1        332.32
         472 CYNTHIA O'BRIEN                   1     61,206.91      1        666.89
         549 WAYNE DOUGLAS                     2     36,062.70      1        861.37
         600 EDDIE MURPHY                      6     60,225.21      3    155,050.55
         601 BRENDA BROWN                      6     29,850.56      1      5,499.17
         602 ROBIN WILLIAMS                    6      5,721.74      1      4,646.25
         603 JACK JONES                        6     22,990.57      1         94.59
         604 ROBIN HOOD                        6      4,114.64      1        145.68
         605 GLORIA MARSHALL                   6      5,912.67      1         54.83

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Finds all members who are 18 years of age or older.
  • Finds all members who are 18 years of age or older, have a suffix 0 record with a balance that is not closed (rest-flag-11 ne 80) and do not have a checking account (suffix 90).
Sample Report Output
Date: 05/28/2021                                                                                                 Page:     1
Time: 8:46 AM
                                                    Members Without a Checking Account
                                                            (18 years and older)
    Account Name                           Age   Home Phone    Address Line 1                 City             ST   Zip
        105 STEVE KRYGIER                   55 (541) 348-3749  3501 COLLINS AVE               PHILADELPHIA     PA 19102
        207 JAMES N PADDOCK                 87 (206) 555-4782  203 11TH AVE                   ATLANTA          GA 30303
        211 REBECCA ONEAL                   99 (503) 555-8091  406 2TH AVE                    DALLAS           TX 75225
        239 DAVID R WALLING                 92 (503) 555-6819  609 3RD AVE                    DALLAS           TX 75225
        273 KATHY MASON                     94 (581) 532-4070  812 4TH AVE                    PORTSMOUTH       NH 3801
        318 MIKE RULLINS                    85 (503) 555-9137  1015 5TH AVE                   DALLAS           TX 75225
        354 DONNA OAKLEY                    86 (503) 555-8614  1218 6TH AVE                   DALLAS           TX 75225
        394 HENRY MARTIN                    99 (503) 555-3252  1421 7TH AVE                   PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
        472 CYNTHIA O'BRIEN                100 (503) 555-1066  106 OLD BAY LANE               PORTSMOUTH       NH 3801
        549 WAYNE DOUGLAS                   89 (055) 5  -      1827 9TH AVE                   PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
        624 ANNE DORRIS                     93 (360) 555-1325  2828 NE EVERETT ST SP 8        PORTSMOUTH       NH 3101
        625 JAMES RAGAN                     58 (541) 258-9898  1490 WILLOW LANE               PHILADELPHIA     PA 19102
        626 JOHN WILLIAMS                   60 (407) 555-1212  555 MAIN ST                    PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
        628 MARY WHITE                      47 (614) 222-5306  200 MAIN ST                    PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
        629 DAVID TANK                      58 (360) 555-4578  1226 NE COUCH ST               CAMAS            WA 98607
        630 MURIEL HEMMINGWAY               62 (659) 525-8458  5498 BLUEGRASS LANE            ACTORVILLE       KY 62589-6969
        632 DEBORAH PITZER                  81 (541) 925-8785  1456 SHERWOOD WAY              ALBANY           OR 97321-5896
        633 JOHN PATTERSON                  65 (614) 344-2525  107 JEFFERSON RD               PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
        634 DENNIS STEIGMANN                73 (360) 555-4785  137 JOHNSON RD                 AMBOY            WA 98652
        644 GUY MORRIS                      94 (503) 555-1124  2030 10TH AVE                  PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
       1032 CHRIS MANZUK                    89 (503) 555-6739  2233 11TH AVE                  PANAMA CITY      FL 32413
       1258 NEAL GILLENWATER                91 (503) 555-1218  742 COLDWATER RD               ANCHORAGE        AK 99504
       2662 EVELYN ANDERSON                 81 (503) 555-7241  2562 HIGH CREEK RD             PHILADELPHIA     PA 19102
       2972 TRISH MILLER                    79 (503) 555-7190  2908 TUCKER RD                 PANAMA CITY      WA 32413
       2973 KYLE MILLER                     79 (503) 555-7190  2908 TUCKER RD                 PANAMA CITY      FL 32413

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Created in REPORT. Uses multipass reporting.
  • The first pass will select all open Shares and create a host file, SHRLNDET. The second REPORT will select all open Loans and append the records to the SHRLNDET file. The final REPORT will report from the SHRLNDET file. This REPORT will display the total number and total balance of both SHARES and LOANS per member. It will also display the total number of SHAREs and LOANs as well as the total BALANCE for all SHAREs and LOANs for the entire Credit Union.
Sample Report Output
Date: 05/28/2021                                                                   Page:     1
Time: 8:38 AM                        Member Shares and Loans
                                              Shares               Loans
    Account  Member Name                 Suffix    Balance    Suffix    Balance
        105  STEVE KRYGIER
                                           00     1,691.80
                                           15     1,146.89
                                            2     2,838.69
        207  JAMES N PADDOCK
                                           00   180,529.36
                                           01       716.79
                                           10     5,888.85
                                           15    46,364.66
                                            4   233,499.66
        211  REBECCA ONEAL
                                           00    13,150.47
                                           15     6,472.16
                                            2    19,622.63
        239  DAVID R WALLING
                                           00     9,569.90      98     1,580.95
                                           01       195.37
                                           10    14,014.45
                                           15     3,315.41
                                            4    27,095.13       1     1,580.95

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Report every ATM/DEBIT card which will have a name longer than 19 characters.
  • Some ATM/DEBIT card processors do not allow for the cardholder
Sample Report Output
 DATE: 09/16/2020                                                         PAGE:     1
  19781   00582247000197811516     1   P     36   09/30/99  DEMPSEY W BLODGETT JR
  55488   00582247000554881524     1   P     36   04/30/99  ANGELIQUE J SONDERSON
 # OF ACCOUNTS:     000000002

Created: 2016/09/01


  • Escheated Accounts with balance < 250.00.
  • When the state-mandated limit on a dormant account is reached, it needs to be escheated to the state. You need to confirm which dormant accounts are eligible for escheating. This report will help you determine which accounts qualify to be escheated. The criteria for this report looks for suffix = 0 and rest-flag-11 <> 80 and rest-flag-12 <> 80 and balance < 250.00 and balance > 0 and escheat-date < user input date.
Sample Report Output

DATE: 09/16/2020  TIME: 7:43 AM                                                                                    PAGE:     1
                                                       VITAL SOFT CREDIT UNION
                                                            ESCHEAT REPORT
                                                    Members with Escheat Dates and
                                                       Balance less than 250.00
                                                         Prior to
                                                        Account     Member File    Share File     Share File     Share File
 |   Account-Sfx  | Member Name                    |    Balance   | Escheat Date |  Last Date  |  Last Amount  |  Last Code  |
 |         273-00 | KATHY MASON                    |   $9,395.47- |  09/13/2002  |  09/13/2002 |      $222.29- |     SHSH    |
 |         609-00 | MYRNA WARREN                   |       $2.00  |  09/30/2002  |  03/31/1998 |    $4,999.00  |     SHNU    |
 |        9091-00 | LUANNA TIDWELL                 |     $100.96  |  10/03/2002  |  09/30/2002 |       $50.00  |     PTPD    |
 |       10903-00 | PETE PETERSON                  |     $141.25  |  10/03/2002  |  06/06/2002 |       $11.72- |     SHSD    |
 |       11333-00 | JEFF TERRELL                   |      $97.65  |  09/30/2002  |  09/13/2002 |      $200.00- |     SHWI    |
 |       19316-00 | WILLIAM M WILSON               |      $97.86  |  09/13/2002  |  09/13/2002 |       $40.00- |     ATSW    |
 |       20993-00 | JEFFREY P ANDER                |     $517.22- |  09/30/2002  |  09/13/2002 |      $300.00- |     ATSW    |
 |       40551-00 | JENNIE RALLES                  |      $43.13  |  05/22/1998  |  05/22/1998 |        $5.00  |     PTDD    |
 |       47276-00 | STEVEN W SCHULTZ               |      $58.66  |  09/13/2002  |  09/13/2002 |      $200.00- |     ATSW    |
 |       47285-00 | CHARLENE A REED                |      $50.08  |  09/26/2002  |  09/26/2002 |        $0.08- |     SHSD    |
 |       48952-00 | CHARLES A RICKS                |     $147.43- |  09/30/2002  |  09/13/2002 |      $200.00- |     ATSW    |
 |       50980-00 | RICHARD D SCHWINN              |     $150.00- |  03/14/1997  |  03/14/1997 |       $50.00- |     ATSW    |
 |       52852-00 | DONALD N JONDO JR.             |       $0.24  |  10/03/1996  |  12/28/1995 |       $50.47- |     SHJE    |
 |       54801-00 | GEORGE W HARRIS                |      $18.83- |  09/13/2002  |  09/13/2002 |      $100.00- |     ATSW    |
 |       55285-00 | GREGORY E AGAGG                |       $0.10  |  11/13/1996  |  11/13/1996 |       $51.52- |     SHAL    |
 |       55973-00 | JAMES R CLEAR                  |     $157.60  |  09/27/2002  |  09/13/2002 |       $10.00- |     ATSW    |
 | Total:   16                               Total:    $9,479.42- |

Created: 2016/09/01

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