V17 UNIX Configuration Changes
Vital Signs 1.7 - UNIX Configuration Changes
Depending on the version of Vital Signs currently installed, some of these changes may have already been made.
Custom Extract Code
In revision 1942 (Jan 2016) a new option was added to the host MBRSHLN job to extract custom files.
The custom code is added to VSLOAD-CUSTOM (scripts) and a new macro is required to enable/disable the custom call.
Macro Definition File
- Edit the host macro definition file: /ASKPLUS/vsdata/custom/live/vsmacdef
- Near the beginning of the file, you will see these 3 lines:
- (Your VS-CUSTOM-ATTR-XEQ will be set to 0 or 1 - do not change the value.)
** The following Macro should be set to 1 if custom attribute code is to be used for this client. ** Custom code is added to /ASKPLUS/vsdata/scripts/VSCALC-CUSTOM-ATTR Macro VS-CUSTOM-ATTR-XEQ = 0
- Add the following lines, after the above section, to create the VS-CUSTOM-LOAD-XEQ macro:
- (Set the macro value to 0 unless you are adding a custom extract.)
** The following Macro should be set to 1 if custom extract code is to be used for this client. ** Custom code is added to /ASKPLUS/vsdata/scripts/VSCALC-CUSTOM Macro VS-CUSTOM-LOAD-XEQ = 0
- The file should now look like this:
** The following Macro should be set to 1 if custom attribute code is to be used for this client. ** Custom code is added to /ASKPLUS/vsdata/scripts/VSCALC-CUSTOM-ATTR Macro VS-CUSTOM-ATTR-XEQ = 0 ** The following Macro should be set to 1 if custom extract code is to be used for this client. ** Custom code is added to /ASKPLUS/vsdata/scripts/VSCALC-CUSTOM Macro VS-CUSTOM-LOAD-XEQ = 0
Sample Custom Extract
- If you do not have a custom extract already in place, rename the sample file as shown below:
cd /ASKPLUS/vsdata/scripts mv VSLOAD-CUSTOM.samp VSLOAD-CUSTOM