V17 UNIX Update Instructions
Vital Signs 1.7.08 - UNIX Update Instructions
These instructions are valid if you are upgrading from Version 1.6 or a previous 1.7 version. Contact Vital Soft support for assistance if you are upgrading from Version 1.5 or earlier.
Backup the Existing vsdata Directory
- Create a backup of the current setup:
login askplus cd /ASKPLUS cp -Rp vsdata vsdata-bkup-yyyymmdd
- Remove any old backup directories that are no longer needed
# Be careful, this command deletes all files and sub-directories from the specified directory rm -R old-bkup-dir
Install New UNIX Job/Script Files
We recommend that you right-click and choose "Download linked file as..." (or the equivalent option) as this should prevent your browser from automatically unzipping the file during the download.
- Download the v1.7.08 UNIX files.
- Transfer (binary) the gz file to the /ASKPLUS directory on the UNIX system and then extract the files.
- Check File Integrity Sum
md5sum VSIGNS-HPUX-v1708.gz 94c594055f052c5b684a509cb735e968 VSIGNS-HPUX-v1708.gz cksum VSIGNS-HPUX-v1708.gz 751902628 56289 VSIGNS-HPUX-v1708.gz
#Confirm that you are in /ASKPLUS pwd # Transfer (using binary) the gz file to the /ASKPLUS directory # Unzip the files gunzip VSIGNS-HPUX-1708.gz tar -xvf VSIGNS-HPUX-1708
Update the Sample Custom Files
The sample custom files should be copied only if the custom file does not exist.
- Respond No to the following commands if the file already exists.