Vital Signs v15 Transaction Analysis

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Revision 1774


Added Teller Group replacement with Branch Type Description drop down selection
Added ReportFrequency variable for document distribution
Fixed OnAnySelect trigger
Fixed Overview sheet, including hours worked formatting and missing 24 scalara to convert time to hours


Vital Signs 1.5.22 or later must be installed


Login to the Vital Signs Windows server as the Vital Signs Administrator
Make a backup of the current document and name it something easily identifiable
Download the new document Transaction_Analysis.qvw
Open the new document in QlikView locally
If you are prompted about macro permissions, click OK
Manually start a second QlikView and open the old document locally
Select the Custom Charts tab in the old document and copy any existing charts into the new document's Custom Charts tab
Save the new document and click the reload icon in the top menu
Once the new document has finished the reload of data, save the document and exit all QlikView programs
On an end user's machine, start QlikView and open in server the new document