Campaign Fundamentals
One of the main uses of the Membership Analysis document is selecting members for marketing campaigns. Vital Signs users are able to perform selections on a wide variety of member attributes to identify the pool of members that will be part of a campaign. Once campaign data has been created (and loaded), the Campaign Tab that includes charts to track and report campaign results will be visible.
Campaign Types
Various different campaign types are possible.
Standard product campaigns include:
- Share products
- Loan products
- Member services
Two other special campaign types are possible:
- New member campaigns
- For campaigns that seek new members to join the CU, the campaign pool is sourced from a 3rd party. Vital Signs will track the success of new member campaigns by matching new members based on name and address information stored in the campaign data. See Configuring New Member Campaigns for more information.
- Dormant members
- These campaigns are designed to encourage dormant members to become active. Dormant members are selected for the campaign and success is determined by any member activity that causes the escheat date to be updated.
Selecting Members for Campaigns
Use the Membership Analysis document to select members for a campaign.
Some common fields to use in your selection are:
- Member Age (Mbr Select tab)
- Member Credit Tier (Mbr Select tab)
- OK to Mail (Mbr Attributes tab)
- Note: Names on the Mbr Attributes tab are CU specific.
Once the appropriate members have been selected, open the View Details tab and export the Account Address Info table to Excel.
- Remember the status bar will show the number of selected members.
The Excel file should contain all of the member data that you need for your campaign.
Configuring Campaigns
All standard campaigns must be defined in the VsCampaigns spreadsheet. Each Campaign must include:
- Name - The name of the campaign for tracking purposes
- Start Date - The date that was launched (Wave campaigns will include multiple start dates.)
- Product Type - One of: Share, Loan, Service, Member, Dormant
- Product Codes - The desc-abrv(s), collateral(s) or flag number(s) for the target campaign product
- Filename - The name of the spreadsheet containing the campaign pool account numbers (or name & address data for new member campaigns)
Wave Campaigns
Wave campaigns repeat on a regular schedule and therefore have multiple start dates. For example, a campaign could be designed to run every month to select all new members from the previous month who did not open checking accounts. For Automated Wave Campaigns Vital Signs will automatically generate the campaign data and the campaign will run every month on a specific date. Typically, the wave campaign will target different members each time the wave is run wave, but the target product(s) will always be the same. Automated wave campaigns usually include multiple steps, where each step targets a different product. Regular campaigns created manually can also be structured as wave campaigns.
Tracking Campaign Results
For standard product campaigns (Share, Loan & Service), Vital Signs will track the total number of direct sales of the target product, as well as direct and indirect cross-sales. Analysis can be performed to compare results for members of the campaign, and (when a single start date is selected) comparative results for all members not in the campaign.
- Target Product: The target product for this campaign identified by specific desc-abrv(s), collateral(s) or flag number(s).
- Direct Sales: Sales of the target product to members who were part of the campaign.
- Cross Sales: Sales of any other products (shares, loans, services) which are not target products to members who were part of the campaign.
- Direct: Direct cross sales include products purchased by members who also purchased at least one target product.
- Indirect: Indirect cross sales include products purchased by members who did not purchase any target products.