Configuring New Member Campaigns

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Campaigns that promote CU membership are harder to track because it is more difficult to identify whether or not the new member was part of the campaign. Vital Signs uses address normalization to perform member matches by address and also compares the first and last name.

The new member campaign must be added to the VSCampaigns file. The Filename must reference a file in the data/config directory that contains the prospect data that was used in the campaign. Vital Signs allows you to configure the column names that are used by the prospect data files, but modifying parameters in the LoadMbrData worksheet of the VitalSigns.xls configuration file.

LoadMbrData Configuration Options

The following variables are used to specify the column names in the prospect data file that contain the name and address fields.

VS_VARNAME Purpose Example
vProspectFirstName The first name field. First Name
vProspectLastName The last name field. Last Name
vProspectAddr1 The first address line. Address Line 1
vProspectAddr2 The second address line. Address Line 2
vProspectState The state. State
vProspectZip The city. City
vProspectCity The zip code. ZIP Code

The following variables specify the number of characters used in the comparison to decide whether or not the new member matches a possible member in the prospect data file.

VS_VARNAME Purpose Example
vMaxFirstNameChars Maximum chars in First Name. 2
vMaxlastNameChars Maximum chars in Last Name. 5
vMaxStreetNameChars Maximum chars in Street Name (Address Line 1). 7

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